The symposium was focused on recent advances in solar sailing technologies and near-term solar sailing missions, areas of particular interest being hardware, enabling technologies, concepts, designs, dynamics, navigation, control, modeling, mission applications, and programs.
Wednesday noon: Welcome Wednesday afternoon: Session on Solar Sail Mission Applications Wednesday evening: Dinner at Ammersee-Hotel Thursday morning: Session on Solar Sail Flight Systems Thursday early afternoon: Visit of the German Space Operations Center (GSOC) Thursday mid afternoon: Visit of Kayser-Threde space company and buffet Thursday late afternoon: Guided bus tour of Munich Thursday evening: Visit of Munich brauhaus Friday morning: Session on Solar Sail Dynamics and Control Friday afternoon: Boat excursion at Lake Ammersee and dinner at beer garden
Wednesday - Session on Solar Sail Mission Applications (Chairs: Dachwald, McInnes) 13:30 Welcome and Introduction 13:45 Leipold: Solar Sail Demonstration Mission Concepts in Earth Orbit 14:25 Johnson, Montgomery, Young, Adams: NASA Solar Sail Propulsion Technology Development 14:50 Lappas, Mengali, Quarta, Gil-Fernandez, Schmidt, Wie: Systems Design for the GEOSAIL Solar Sail Mission 15:15 McInnes, Waters: Near-Term Mission Applications for Solar Sails 15:40 Coffee Break 16:10 Dachwald: Trajectory Optimization Using Evolutionary Neurocontrol: New Results 16:35 Wie: Hovering Control of a Solar Sail Gravity Tractor Spacecraft for Asteroid Deflection 17:00 Eckersley: Environmental Effects on GEOSAIL 17:25 Diedrich: NOAA Activities in Solar Sailing 19:00 Dinner
Thursday - Session on Solar Sail Flight Systems (Chairs: Leipold, Wie) 08:30 Van Sant: ST9: A Mission Concept For Flight Validating Solar Sail Technology In Earth Orbit 09:10 Widani, Leipold: Solar Sail Deployment Technology and Mechanisms 09:35 Sickinger, Leipold: Solar Boom Development at DLR 10:00 Greschik, Montgomery: Interaction of Structural and Navigational Issues in the Context of the Space Tow 10:25 Coffee Break 10:55 Chen, Wang, Wu, Li, Huang: A Deployable Solar Sail Structure for Ground Test 11:20 Tibert, Lennon: Deployment Strategies for the Space Tow Solar Sail 11:45 Dachwald, Mengali, Quarta, Macdonald: Optical Solar Sail Degradation Modelling 12:10 Rios-Reyes, Scheeres: Analytical Model for Solar Sails with Applications 12:35 Kezerashvili, Matloff: Solar Radiation Interaction with the Beryllium Hollow-Body Sail 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Departure to the bus tour to GSOC, Kayser-Threde, and Munich 23:00 Return to Herrsching (Arrival ca. 23:45)
Friday - Session on Solar Sail Dynamics and Control (Chairs: McInnes, Dachwald) 08:30 Kawaguchi: Solar Sail Development in Japan 09:10 Mengali, Quarta: Optimal Solar Sail Interplanetary Missions with Control Constraints 09:35 Wang, Huang: Venus Rendezvous Mission Analysis for A Non-perfect Reflecting Solar Sailcraft 10:00 Waters, McInnes: Mission Applications for Highly Non-Keplerian Orbits 10:25 Coffee Break 10:55 Vulpetti: Geocentric-Orbit-to-Earth-Magnetosphere Synchronization via Solar Sailing 11:20 Wang, Zhang, Zhang, Liang: Attitude Control of Solar Sail Spacecraft Based on Rigid Structure Coupled with Flexible Modes 11:45 Circi, Bolle: Eliosynchronous Orbits by means of Solar Sails 12:10 Gong, Baoyin, Li: Passive Stability for the Sailcraft on the Displaced Orbit 12:35 Zhang, Huang: Stability of Solar Sail on 3 Artificial Collinear Lagrangian Points 13:00 Lunch 16:20 Departure to the boat excursion and dinner at beer garden 22:00 Return to Herrsching (Arrival ca. 22:30)
There are no proceedings of the symposium. All presentations, however, can be found on this website.